Purpose of this blog

Personal missionary work as a coordinator for the college students who graduated from Institution Univers in Ouanaminthe, HAITI.

I act as a liaison for those currently in college and their sponsors, until the students have all graduated, whether in USA, Haiti or the Dominican Republic.
As well, I encourage those who have graduated from college but have not yet returned to Haiti, to return to fulfill the purpose of their education, for themselves, their families, their country and most importantly, for God.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

I've arrived on the West Coast, specifically in the emerald city of Seattle. Although, it's been raining since my arrival last night, as I sit in the Starbuck's and work, on 1st Ave in Belltown, I look out the window towards my daughter's school and over the roof (it's a steep down hill from this vantage point) of the Art Institute outwards to Puget Sound, there is blue sky, baby blue sky, on the horizon. Oh this city is amazing! I am not surprised that she has chosen this city to call "home". Good choice, Hannah!

It's a day of catch up! She is in class right now, so I have the day to work on application package paperwork for the students and catch up on emails and tasks that are "must-do" before departing for Haiti on February 9th. Not to confuse anyone, but I leave Ohio in the wee hour of 2:00am on the 9th, therefore if I have referred to leaving the "night of the 8th" sometimes when I've spoken to you or emailed, that is why - leaving in the middle of the night is still "the night of..." to me!!

A few things that I'd like to return to Haiti with, if you are able to provide, let me know, USED and in good working order please!:
1. ANY musical instruments
2. a laptop computer - for Lilia to use while she attends Secretary School
3. a trumpet for Youlette, to play in her worship band in her church
4. an MP3 player for Samson with headphones and a charger
5. a confirmation of a donation to purchase 100 flat screen computer monitors in the D.R. (less costly than shipping)

that's all I'm thinking of, off the top of my head, as I forgot my list at Hannah's apartment - whoops!

Email me, facebook message me, or comment here if you have any of these you can part with. thank you so much!
mmm-the sun just came out - lovely!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Arrived safely in southwest Florida after leaving a bitter cold week in Ohio. Good fellowship with my Mom and Dad, the Rickard's and Chris Fisher this weekend. Attended El Shaddai Church (Haitian church) this morning. Wonderful to sing worship songs in creole. Boy - am I rusty, as I tried to converse with some Haitians. So good to see Pastor Sandovil again! I plan to speak with him about host family opportunities while I am here this week.
Met with the representatives of the mission committee at Estero United Methodist Church this afternoon to go over logistics for the Mission Conference I'll be participating in next month on February 24 at their church. If you are in southwest Florida area on that weekend, please be sure to stop by, from 9:30am - 12:30pm. More information on the Calendar tab of my blog.
Finishing up applications to take to Florida Gulf Coast University on Tuesday. As well as working on the required documents for some of the colleges we have already applied to for 2012 and 2013 graduating students. Appreciate your prayers for my organization skills to stay well tuned!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I am so blessed to have so many interested in what is happening in our "little world" of Ouanaminthe, Haiti, and specifically, COCINA. Thank you to all of you who ask about us, what we need and how you can best pray for us. It really is humbling.

What is also humbling is something that is breaking my heart, because I have been where so many of our young, lovely children are right now...trying to figure out who they are in this big world, and how they can fit into their parents faith and beliefs, yet are also trying to figure out who they are, and in the bigger picture...who is God? does He exist? and if so, can they really have a relationship, a personal relationship with Him?...to make life and "faith" their own.
It's humbling, because God has drawn me to the young people who ask such questions, and I'm honored when they invite me into their lives, so I can share the answer of "yes and yes. and then share that God is a God who loves you more than you can ever comprehend. I can say this because I personally have been in such a place, asking the same questions. If we allow the God of the Universe to answer such questions when we ask them, He will. We do have to allow Him to answer our questions. He is a gentleman. He will not push, but He will prod...gently. Because He loves us SO much, He doesn't want to lose any of us to Satan's lies, deception, or eternal damnation. So, yes, He will allow us to wander and then draws us back to Him gently, tenderly, over and over and over, until we realize that He loves us, has ALWAYS loved us, and will ALWAYS love us, no matter what. And then, it will still be over and over, until we are Home with Him, for good, away from the sin, away from the faltering. Yes, as I said, it is an incomprehensible Love.
For those loved ones who have not yet given your Creator a chance in your life, for yourself, please try it. Yes, you may think or say you've already tried it and it hasn't worked. Maybe you have been burned in the past, but what or who burned you? was it God, or religion? Something I learned a long time ago: God is THE Absolute, religion is man's invention. Why do you think there is a Bible verse that simply states: Jesus wept. He weeps over us, He weeps for us. God loves us SO much that He allowed Himself to come to earth to save us from ourselves. Big, very big thought. Oh, how He loves us. Oh how He loves you and me.

Just had to share this with you. Actually a thought came to my mind about my heart breaking over my friends and their kids and I started typing...the rest is His story, and your story. Go live life. Live it with purpose.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Back in Ohio after an amazing "whirlwind" tour of the New England states and then some! Clocked 2,200 + miles on the Acadia - thank you, Boppa and Muppy!

God chose the time with Him in the car, to teach me more about me; where I need to turn more of me over to Him. Precious hours with My Saviour. Thank you, my precious Lord for your tenderness and graciousness to me to meet me right where I am.

Met with many colleges and universities, on behalf of the Philo students, seeking admittance with scholarship, of which we are blessed at all the offers received. In addition, I had the pleasure to meet and speak to the congregations at Grace Episcopal Church in Bath, Maine and Trinity Lutheran Church in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. Oh, my Haitian brothers and sisters, you are loved! We are the beneficiaries of much prayer and love.
Thank you congregations, so much, for being our partners. And the partnership of new and "old" friends to open their homes have me overwhelmed with joy, of the generosity and hospitality I was shown - Thank you Marti, Erik, Janice, Jacqueline, Donna, Todd, Jenn, and Jesse!

I will upload some photos in the near future. Right now I must work on college application logistics. I appreciate your prayers for my organization and time multiplied - thank you!

You are a prized possession of The King of the Universe - He loves you, more than you can ever comprehend.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Here's some photos from my visit this morning at Grace Episcopal Church in Bath, Maine. (which by the way is one of the most precious small towns! The church service was a blessing with Rev. Michael giving a wonderful sermon on the Magi.
 The first photo is a presentation after church of five women who went on a short term mission trip to Palestine. Very informative, yet heart wrenching, how pride continues to destroy innocent citizens in Palestine and Israel. 
 Here's Rev. Michael and me. Thank you again for sharing your congregation with me!
 How encouraging! This church loves Haiti. Thank you Grace Episcopal Church for your partnership with us!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

I have arrived in Bath, Maine. A wonderfully sunny and dry day to travel. Love the "Maine vibe"!
I played the alphabet game and license plate game with myself on the drive! Listened to a lot of good Christian radio or country music radio. Yes, I'm a fan of country...some country, not all!!!
Visiting Grace Episcopal Church in Bath in the morning, looking forward to meeting Rev. Michael and the congregation. Thank you in advance for your gracious hospitality to invite me to introduce Institution Univers to the congregation, Rev. Michael, and thank you Marti, for your introduction to the church.
I'm tired, bedtime - drove 12.5 hours straight. good night everyone!

Friday, January 4, 2013

On my way to Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Pennsylvania tomorrow for a week of meetings with colleges and churches on behalf of the Philo students. Appreciate your prayers! Will update you on my travels soon!