Purpose of this blog

Personal missionary work as a coordinator for the college students who graduated from Institution Univers in Ouanaminthe, HAITI.

I act as a liaison for those currently in college and their sponsors, until the students have all graduated, whether in USA, Haiti or the Dominican Republic.
As well, I encourage those who have graduated from college but have not yet returned to Haiti, to return to fulfill the purpose of their education, for themselves, their families, their country and most importantly, for God.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Spreading the Hope for Haiti

Here's our Hugues' TED talk presentation, held at the University of Akron earlier this Fall:

Preview YouTube video Cultivating Hope in Haiti | Hugues Bastien | TEDxUniversityofAkronCultivating Hope in Haiti | Hugues Bastien | TEDxUniversityofAkron

Please feel free to copy the link and share with others on your social media and email.

All Glory to Our Great God,

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