Purpose of this blog

Personal missionary work as a coordinator for the college students who graduated from Institution Univers in Ouanaminthe, HAITI.

I act as a liaison for those currently in college and their sponsors, until the students have all graduated, whether in USA, Haiti or the Dominican Republic.
As well, I encourage those who have graduated from college but have not yet returned to Haiti, to return to fulfill the purpose of their education, for themselves, their families, their country and most importantly, for God.

Friday, March 16, 2018

If you are, or will be in Port au Prince next Friday, March 23...

I am excited to inform you about an upcoming fundraiser for HELP in Port-au-Prince, conceived, planned and hosted by our very own alumni.
When the alumni told me they wanted to host a fundraiser I could not have been more pleased by their desire to renew the gift of an education that you have made possible.
To my knowledge it is the first fundraiser in Haiti organized by an organization’s former beneficiaries.  If you will be in Port-au-Prince next Friday I hope you will join me. If not, you can still buy a ticket which will be donated to students who have sold a minimum of two tickets.
Please join me and the young men and women you have supported to sponsor more students for years to come.
Conor Bohan
Executive Director
Yes To Higher Education in Haiti
        #HAI                  #YesToHigherEducationInHaiti               #SupportHELP
Friday, March 23, 2018 
6pm - 9pm 
To benefit the Haitian Education and Leadership Program (HELP) and their outstanding work for higher education in Haiti.
Dinner and a performance by International Haitian-American artist Phyllisia Ross and other local artists.
Marriott Hotel
147, Ave Jn Paul ll, Turgeau, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Tickets & Donations: 
Avaliable here!

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