Purpose of this blog

Personal missionary work as a coordinator for the college students who graduated from Institution Univers in Ouanaminthe, HAITI.

I act as a liaison for those currently in college and their sponsors, until the students have all graduated, whether in USA, Haiti or the Dominican Republic.
As well, I encourage those who have graduated from college but have not yet returned to Haiti, to return to fulfill the purpose of their education, for themselves, their families, their country and most importantly, for God.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Exciting news for Konbit Sante...and how you can help partner with them to deliver good health care to North Haiti!

Maine TV news show

     Konbit Sante Executive Director Nate Nickerson was recently interviewed on "The 207," a daily television show of NBC news affiliate WCSH broadcast in Maine and eastern New Hampshire.

     Nate talked about the 10th anniversary of the 2010 earthquake, the work of Konbit Sante and its partners in Greater Cap-Haitien, and the ongoing challenges of providing health care in the country, which has experienced more than a year of political upheaval, protests, and widespread inflation. Despite the obstacles, Konbit Sante and its partners are dedicated to continuing their work.
     "All the money in the world isn't going to save Haiti," Nate said. "... On the other hand, the paradox of it all is that a little bit that's really targeted, that's going to the right place, can save lives."

     You can view the entire segment 

New interim Assistant Director joins
Konbit Sante's U.S. staff

Randall May
      Konbit Sante has hired an interim Assistant Director to help oversee its U.S. operations.
     Randall May, MSW, joined Konbit Sante on December 27, and is based out of our U.S. office in Falmouth, Maine. He previously served as Director of International Operations for the National Alliance of State & Territorial AIDS Directors (NASTAD), supporting global program implementation and overseeing country management, operations, and compliance. The overall goal of the program was to strengthen the management and delivery of HIV prevention and care services in partnership with health department leadership and community organizations in Caribbean, Central America, and sub-Saharan Africa. He also served as NASTAD Deputy Country Director in Ethiopia from 2008 to 2012.

     Prior to joining NASTAD, Randall worked for 13 years as Director of Programs for the Frannie Peabody Center in Portland, Maine. He holds a Masters in Social Work from Washington University in St. Louis.

     "It was our great fortune that Randy’s skill set and availability coincided with our needs at this juncture, so I am thrilled to have him on board for the next six months," said Executive Director Nate Nickerson. "We welcome him to the Konbit family!"

Matching funds campaign extended

    Our matching funds campaign, which was previously scheduled to end on December 31, has been extended into spring 2020, and will last until all the funds allocated by a few generous benefactors have been matched. If you are a new donor or did not give during the last fiscal year (Sept. 30, 2018—Oct. 1, 2019), every financial contribution you make will be matched dollar for dollar. Donate $10, $100, $1,000 or more—whatever the amount, it will be matched. Every little bit helps, no matter how small.
     Please donate today by clicking the “DONATE NOW” button below, visiting our website at 
www.konbitsante.org/donate, or sending a check to: Konbit Sante, 362 US Route 1, Falmouth, ME 04105.
Donate Now

New metal art show on display

    We have a new show/sale of handcrafted Haitian metal art on display at Clayton's Cafe & Bakery, 447 Route 1, Yarmouth, ME. As always, proceeds from the sale will go directly toward supporting our healthcare partners in Greater Cap-Haitien as they care for their communities. The show is up through February 7.

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